24 August 2020

Solo travel

I am sitting in one of my fav Cafés to chill and enjoy my holiday.

Due to the pandemic unfortunately I don't feel comfortable yet to leave the UK to travel.

I just did one day trip to Bristol and it was so boring. I just realised that my season of Solo-travel is just over. I have been doing this for many years and I am just over it. I have been single most of my life, so solo travel was the easiest and most comfortable way of travel and having a holiday.

I think I have learned quite a lot in these years of travelling on my own.  

- I am independent and capable to go to any place if I want to

- I enjoy my own company and I really need my me time and a lot of it

- I am definitely a very social person and love company of inspiring and positive people but I do not depend on them when it comes to my contentment

- There are so many places I still have to and want to visit but I want to do it with friends or fam

- The earth is so beautiful and worth travelling

- I have met lovely and also challenging people while travelling on my own

- I have learned that loneliness is not a disease nor is singleness its just a status and phase of life

- I have grown and learned a lot through the years

- It's ok not to be ok

- Perfectionism is a prison but Excellency is a healthy goal

- Routines and structures are good and necessary for my mental health

- I need to take care of my body, soul and spirit more every day and not neglect it

I want to be an inspiration to as many people as possible and travel the world by sharing what I have learned and hold speeches to large crowds and also share my art in music, writing, songs, and drawings and poems. My goal is to be able to do this full time. And because it's a huge passion it won't be work anymore.

I love Art.



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