Loneliness can become ugly, but sometimes necessary.
I believe in measured loneliness.
I believe in measured loneliness.
I always have been different and I used to think there was something wrong with me.
Today I believe that I am as unique as everybody else is and this is how its meant to be!
I have learned to love my whole being.
The good and the bad, the weaknesses and the strengths! You have to embrace and love your whole person.
The good and the bad, the weaknesses and the strengths! You have to embrace and love your whole person.
Todays society tends to isolate itself and I believe this leads to selfish and limited quality of LIFE.
It's the "Selfie" generation where it's all about "me, myself and I". This again leads to destruction and is not for the greater benefit of all of humanity!
We need to take good care of ourselves and have balanced self love but it cannot and must not stop there!
We need to look away from our selfish nature and poor ourselves out into serving others. It's not so important to get attention as much as giving attention!
Do you know that it has been psychologically proven that people who serve others and focus on others needs are actually much more happy than those who live a selfish life?
Think about this!!! Thanks for your time and open mind and heart!
Bless you, Trisha