12 May 2019

YOU say!

They say I need to look and style a certain way.
Be slim and tall. Always look perfect - whatever that means anyway!
Be kind and always say the right thing at the right time.
Be patient and wise. Have a flawless appearance at all times.
Be independent and work hart to have success.
Its all about image and performance. Its all superficial and shallow.

BUT here is what YOU say:

You say I am wonderfully and fearfully made.

You say you delight in me.
You say I am chosen, accepted, loved, forgiven and approved.
You say I am the light of the world and the salt of the earth.
You give me meaning, value and a purpose for my life.
You say I am your child, I am a queen, I am precious, I am valued, my worth is not measurable because you gave your life for me and I am part of your family forever. This is my destiny.

I am unique and full of life.

The Power Of Walking Away