How does it make you feel when someone pays attention to your new shoes or the way you did your job – and compliments you for it?
You enjoy the positive feeling it produces right? It just makes your day. It costs nothing and it’s a brilliant way to be kind. I want you to realise how important words are – words have creative power. You can build or destroy people with the power of your words. Can I inspire you to use as much as possible positive or power words? I promise you – you will see yourself collecting the harvest of it sooner than later!
If you want people around you to change or to affirm you and to compliment you – I suggest you start treating people the way you want to be treated. It’s a very simple principle but it works. Let’s spread the word and positive vibes!
It’s not difficult to find something you like in a person. Compliment at least 5 people per day. You can choose and pick who you will bless with your kindness!
Don’t wait for people to start – give it a go and try it out – I guarantee you once you have started the stone will roll and start a fire of goodness.
I love to affirm people and to compliment them – there is something about it that makes me feel so good and it blesses the sender and receiver at the same time. Basically you make two people happy in one go.
Start with the people you love and then I challenge you to do the same with people you like less and see what a beautiful movement of Love and Kindness we will get started!
Peace out,