I believe that vulnerability is a beautiful thing.
I completely understand when people say I don’t want to be open and share myself to the point I make myself vulnerable and people can use it against me one day.
But being alive a few decades - I have come to understand that it is a lie to think we can auto protect us by building walls around us by not opening up and being genuine with our people.
The hurt and disappointment will come anyway in spite of your walls and miserable try to protect yourself. The truth is that the more we realise how healthy and courageous it is to actually be vulnerable - the more we will feel free to be and allow others to be them selves.
First of all its good for you and your soul to share and process things that happen to you and at the same time it frees the other person to do the same and experience this freedom of being real.
I am sitting in a very cute Café and I look up and see people around me all apart from one or two on their cell phone. No one is having a proper conversation and quality time with each other. Well, let me tell you my friend - this reflects todays society. Really sad to watch.
Partially I have been affected by this myself by being the executer and the victim. I am trying to put the phone away as much as possible and when I meet up with people I never have my cell in my hands anyway. I believe in quality time with people - and I show attention and respect with that. Undivided attention and time is a precious gift.
Honesty can at times put you off or really cut you deep. But I think it is necessary at all times but it has to be done in love with the best intention in mind for the person.
Be real - be who you really are without the fear of rejection. If you feel the fear do it anyway. “What if they wont love me after they know me?” Well, then darling they have never loved you genuinely. You don't need these kind of people in your life. Move on!
There will be people in your life that will love you for who you are and stand by your side no matter what. I have been blessed to have a few of this people in my life and still have them. Thank God.
The people that will accept your beauty and your ugliness. Your weakness and your strength. You are called to be you - no one else but you. Unashamed you!
You are unique and you are beautiful with all your scars and bruises…don’t hide them - now I am not encouraging you to tell your whole story to everyone unless this is your wish - then feel free. Life will teach you wisdom to open up to the people that are worthy of you and your depth.
Let me leave you with the…
Be bold enough to be completely vulnerable and brutally honest - it will disarm your enemies and empower you!