9 November 2019

Is it ever going to happen?

I have been asking myself this question several times during my journey of faith.

I have claimed it and reclaimed it...I have doubted, I have thrown the towel, I have given up on it.

I have been submitted and obedient to God as much as I knew how too. I am an imperfect human being - so I fail every day. And so do you. But I have learned it's not about perfection but surrender and understanding you cannot and never will have it all together and be this perfect human being.

I have learned to trust God more than in people, I know it's important to trust both and I do in a balanced and healthy way, but I have understood that it's better to not rely on human beings as in our source of life and every day stability, we all are broken and not perfect. 

Only God is our true source or fountain of life.

I have learned to accept myself and others with their imperfections and see them as unique manifestation of Gods opportunity to restore us and heal us from our troubled past.

People keep asking and fighting the same question: 'Am I enough?' And the most comfortable and familiar response to that is the old: "You are not enough!"

Now, this is not simple to answer. Kindly bear with me a minute please...

Yes, you are enough as you have been equipped and empowered by our creator and God to be all that you are meant to be on the face of this earth to fulfil all you are supposed to.

No, if you think you have to reach a certain standard and perfection.

I have grown in learning to trust God and let go and let God. Let God be God. We need to give him room to intervene and do his beautiful work in us and around us and others.

We are not the holy Spirit therefore we need to back off and step back most of the time and let him do what only he can do.

Trust me I know how painful and frustrating it is and can be at times to wait on God or let him be and do it for you. But by doing that I have seen miracles happening. Inside of me, others and circumstances.

We serve a faithful and good God. Let's trust and believe the best is yet to come. He has great and marvellous things in store for us all! Your blessing does not hinder mine! That is why I can be genuinely happy for you and you for me! It goes both ways babe!

God usually never gives us a timeframe when and how we are going to receive his promises. That is part of the trust adventure!

I hope you are encouraged as usual by these words of my personal experience.


The Power Of Walking Away