28 October 2019


Open communication is essential.

I believe we need to approach every conversation and relationship no matter what the nature and status of it is with humility, openness and transparency. Don’t underestimate the power of words. Choose and use them wisely.


Entering and approaching the person with the attitude and mindset: “We are equal and we are valuable.”


Have an open mind and heart. Willing to learn from the other person.


Be willing to be vulnerable. Be wise though who to be vulnerable with. Measured vulnerability is always good. Complete vulnerability however is meant to be with just a few selected people.

Relationships are meant to help you grow. They have the purpose to shape and mould you into the best version of who you are called to be. I believe they go through seasons.

Spring is the beginning of the relationship. Everything is flourishing and blooming. The blossom creates a beautiful scent and it tickles your nose. You are euphoric!

Then the Summer follows. Now the relationship is entering an even more intense level of connection and intimacy. You feel comfortable and save and you open up more and more as your trust towards each other grows beautifully.

Autumn slenders in now…the colours of your relationship start to change as leaves on the trees, as the difficulties of life hit you. You start noticing how you get easily irritated and you have little discussions. Now what you used to laugh about and even love about that person begins to annoy you. Your picture of that dearly loved one gets distorted. It’s important to address it and talk about this.

Winter. It’s more and more tangible the cold between you and the other person. Now is the time to stick together no matter what. Now is the season where you get closer to each other and have open conversation and gift each other with forgiveness. When you commit to someone it should be for a season, purpose or life. It depends on the nature of the relationship.

May God bless all of our relationships.



The Power Of Walking Away