25 January 2020

I am who I am

The older I get the more I learn about God and who he is and who I am in and through him. The more I learn about myself, the better decisions I can make in my everyday life and major decisions, that will impact my life even stronger.

Things I have learned:

I cannot be anyone else but me.
I am called to be unique and therefore I stand out.
I am loved.
I am free.
I am accepted and approved.
It's ok not to be ok.

You can say "No." without feeling guilty.
I have to speak up for myself.
Nothing and no one is allowed to mute me.
I have a free will.
Heaven and Hell are real.
God is real.
God is faithful.

Self care and self love is essential.
I have a calling on my life that nobody else has and consequently nobody else can fulfil but me. Before I met God - I used to exist - now I am alive and I live.

To be a leader doesn't mean to be perfect but to be authentic and vulnerable.
Nothing and no one can judge me but God.
There is nothing I can do or not do that can separate me from the love of God.

I hope these simple thoughts bless your heart.

Who are you?

I am here for you.


The Power Of Walking Away