27 January 2019

Emotional Intelligence

“Emotional intelligence has four parts: self-awareness, managing our emotions, empathy, and social skill. There are many tests of emotional intelligence, and most seem to show that women tend to have an edge over men when it comes to these basic skills for a happy and successful life.That edge may matter more than ever in the workplace, as more companies are starting to recognise the advantages of high EI when it comes to positions like sales, teams, and leadership.” This is a very interesting topic and unfortunately very underestimated still. We need to embrace all the intelligence of each person and EI is part of it! Emotional intelligence has 4 pillars 1. self-awareness conscious knowledge of one's own character and feelings. "the process can be painful but it leads to greater self-awareness" You should take the time to meditate on you inner life. You should take your time to get to know yourself more and more in order for your relationships to work much better. You will also have to learn how to communicate without offending and hurting people. 2. managing our emotions You need to learn how to manage your emotional life as well. Which means to not respond to all and everything instantly by your natural response - but to take a step back – breath in and out and maybe just take your time before you respond or even react at all! 3. empathy the ability to understand and share the feelings of another. How much time do you invest into this? Usually we are so focused on our own microcosms and we don’t find any time for that. How much time do you invest into really listening and paying attention to someone else? 4. social skill 1) The ability to stay calm in social situations 2) Listening skills: The art of connection 3) Empathy with and interest in others' situations 4) Knowing how to build rapport 5) Knowing how, when and how much to talk about yourself - 'self disclosure' 6) Look into their eyes and smile So much about Emotional intelligence folks! Trisha


This is probably the most asked question throughout the existence of humanity and it has been on the mind of any nationality, gender and age. Who are YOU? When everything is stripped away - what remains of you? Have you ever asked yourself this question? Who are you and what is your message…what is your gift, your talent? What were you born with that we need you to share with us? What are you passionate about and naturally excellent at without any effort? That is your natural talent! You are one of a kind - there is no one like you – no one can do the things you do the way you do it. We need your talent to complement the rest of us…as a society we should function as one whole body. Can you imagine your body without an arm or leg? Horrible thought right? We need your input – your thoughts – your talent and your inspiration! We need you to be you and nobody else. You are meant to stand out and not fit it in. You are meant to be you. When you were created uniquely and beautifully – you were created and formed for a specific purpose and reason. It’s not about what and who people say you are! Don’t believe the chatter and negative battle in your mind and gossip about you! I need you to go on a self discovery journey! Find out who you are and what you are excellent at and come back to us and bless us with your presence! The way your mind works, your voice, your moves everything about you is a manifestation of your uniqueness! Don’t ever copy nor imitate anyone! Everyday take your time to get to know yourself and learn how you function and contribute to society. Start with small things once you know who you are and what you can do for us… It’s about who you are and how you can serve in giving back to humanity… Never doubt your purpose and significance…as long as you are breathing – you are not done! There is a job out there for you to do – that only you can do. You are not replaceable. It's not just about you but US! We are in this boat together! Let's not sink but sail !!! I am going to leave you with this question: WHO ARE YOU?
Always Trisha

How to deal with the challenges life offers you

Don’t freak out! Don’t panic! Keep calm and carry on! When life throws stones along your path - don’t take it personal and please carry on being your glorious self! Never doubt your self-worth and value - no matter what people say or do or even treat you - please never doubt your immense worth! You are so precious and we need all of you to complement us and society. We need you to be your whole self. We need your strengths and your weaknesses – yes, I said it weaknesses! I believe we are meant to be a supportive and complementary society - where my weakness gets smoothed out through your strength and vice versa. Instead of pointing out the weaknesses of people - how about focusing on their strength and pull that out more?Am I saying we need to ignore the weak points? No way - but maybe we can affirm more and encourage rather than criticise? Maybe we can help out without even mentioning their weak spots?
My experience is that the more you point out what you do not appreciate - the more people tend to withdraw and even become worse than they already are…on the other side if you do appreciate and affirm them for what they have done well - they start to even improve in their less strong parts. I am conscious about the fact that I am asking a lot out of you/us…but I trust we can move forward together! Let's carry on being glorious and unique! Thank you for your time and open mind!
Always smiling Trisha


What does this word cause in you??? A long time ago I heard a wise woman say online in a video: “Rejection Is A Divine Announcement That - The person no longer has the capacity for your Greatness!!!” Ain't Nothin wrong with you Babe!!! I want you to face the ugliness of rejection with that attitude. Never take it on a personal level. You are beautiful, gorgeous and strong just the way you are! You were born to stand out why try to fit in?! We need you just the way you were created – your uniqueness is expressed the best when you do not imitate nor copy but be YOU!!! You are equipped and empowered to do all you are called to do. Take time to get to know who you really are and reflect on how you can give back to society. Be a participator not just a spectator. Get involved and spill out your love and kindness to those around you as much as you can. I encourage you to particularly bless those who are difficult! What’s the win if you bless those you love anyway??? When life throws stones at you – and they come in all shapes and forms - face them with courage and peace. Be confident in who you are – relax and carry on! Signed, Blessed Trisha

The Power Of Walking Away