Thoughts ~ Feelings ~ Life
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21 February 2023
2 October 2021
It is well
It Is Well - Kristene DiMarco | You Make Me Brave
Trisha’s confessions under the inspiration of the above mentioned song:
It is well with my soul. Sometimes this declaration feels real and honest. Sometimes it does a little less and sometimes not at all.
In the times where we don’t feel it as strongly as in other days what we shall do is declare it by faith and walk by faith and not by sight.
No one ever promised us that it would be an easy walk. No one ever said we would be exempt from challenges and obstacles.
It is well with my soul, indeed it is well.
My soul rise up and praise your creator, your God and your saviour.
My soul declare his faithfulness and his immense goodness.
My soul find your hope in him and the joy of the Lord is going to be your strength more and more.
It is well with my soul.
7 August 2021
God's Faithfulness
Is God really faithful?
I wonder if you have asked yourself this question or have had any doubts around this thought and fact.
I gave my life to Jesus when I was 25 and throughout my journey with him called life…I have come to the edge of doubt and questioned him and his word. I am sure we all have at some point touched rock bottom and thrown the towel and given up on his promises.
I genuinely believe it's human and natural to ask questions and wonder and even doubt. I also am convinced about the fact that our lovely God loves questions and he doesn't mind it at all. He actually rather have you ask him anything than just keeping it to yourself and getting more and more frustrated and bitter and withdrawing from him more and more.
He might not always answer straight away or at all. Sometimes it will take time to receive an answer or sometimes God will answer right there and then when you ask him the question. I have also received silence as an answer which also is a response. To deal with this type of answer it really takes a lot of patience and faith to take it in and accept the silence of God.
It might mean that he will answer you later or it might mean he won’t answer you at all. Whatever it will be it will be the best for you and you can trust God with whatever he does.
I certainly had to wait for a few things and am still waiting for specific promises from God to actually manifest in its own time or God’s appointed time.
There are promises that God will give you when he thinks you are ready for it. Some will only come to the appointed time God has set for it. Some delay because of circumstances or disobedience. To obey God is an act of Love and not an obligation. God wants our full attention, heart and obedience based on our Love for him and nothing else but our Love.
In fact your only drive and motivation should always be Love. We are not serving a religion and we are not religious. We are serving and relating to a living God who desires a real relationship to him.
So based on this relationship to him which can and should be maintained by spending time with him in conversation and reading his Word the Bible. Spend also time in worshipping and praising him. You should have a daily devotion time and the rest of the day you can stay connected to God all day.
Just allow him to speak to you at any given time. Follow his promptings and allow him to use you to bless anyone and anything.
Be patient and kind while you wait for God to bring along his promises to you.
10 March 2021
3 March 2021
14 February 2021
Spoken Word
The heart the portrait of our personality
Look into my heart and you will find the colours of my soul.
The fabric of my thoughts are created in it.
The eyes in it see deeper than the physical eyes can.
You can only see with the heart what is essential - it was once said.
The heart so fragile yet so strong.
The heart so special and yet part of a perfect working system.
The spiritual heart, the physical heart.
The spiritual heart is our spirit.
The spirit is our true self. The innermost part of who we are.
We reflect the trinity of God - he is Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
So we are therefore made of three elements to portrait the triunion of God. Spirit, Soul and Body.
12 February 2021
Rest in God
Today I want to share a few thoughts about how to dwell in God’s presence and finished work of Christ
Colossians 1:21-23
Made Holy through Christ
Even though you were once distant from him, living in the shadows of your evil thoughts and actions, he reconnected you back to himself.
He released his supernatural peace to you through the sacrifice of his own body as the sin-payment on your behalf so that you would dwell in his presence.
And now there is nothing between you and Father God, for he sees you as holy, flawless, and restored, if indeed you continue to advance in faith, assured of a firm foundation to grow upon. Never be shaken from the hope of the gospel you have believed in. And this is the glorious news I preach all over the world.
- First you have to understand what it means to rest in God.
- What is the rest of God?
- The rest of God is to know him first.
- Rest is a person. It’s JESUS.
- To rest in him means too accept his sacrifice on the cross, his forgiveness, his love, his kindness, his mercy, his grace.
- To rest in God means to no more crave for his love and attention because we already have it.
- To rest in God also means that we understand we have found peace with God and been reconciled to him.
- To understand the rest of God it also means to accept that we have been approved, acknowledged and accepted and are loved eternally.
- We also find a new way of relaxing due to the acceptation of he’s rest.
10 January 2021
Acts of compassion
Hebrews 10:24-25
The Passion Translation
24 Discover creative ways to encourage others[a] and to motivate them toward acts of compassion, doing beautiful works as expressions of love. 25 This is not the time to pull away and neglect[b] meeting together, as some have formed the habit of doing, because we need each other! In fact, we should come together even more frequently, eager to encourage and urge each other onward as we anticipate that day dawning.
I love this translation called "The Passion Translation". It's a heart level translation. It pierces right into your soul and heart.
The Word of God is so profound and freeing and healing like no other word or book in the whole Universe.
Verse 24 says:
"Discover creative ways to encourage others[a] and to motivate them toward acts of compassion, doing beautiful works as expressions of love."
Find creative ways to uplift and influence people in your life and around you. Relying on the source of all sources - GOD himself. Jesus has given us the Holy Spirit the day we received Him as our Lord and Saviour. His spirit now can give us an inexhaustible amount of inspiration to be able to pour into our neighbour.
It goes on and says that we can therefore act in compassion and create expressions of LOVE.
How beautiful is that?
Have you ever stoped and asked God or even yourself how you can be used to inspire?
I am very creative and a natural when it comes to inspiration and encouragement.
Verse 25 says:
"In fact, we should come together even more frequently, eager to encourage and urge each other onward as we anticipate that day dawning."
Not only in the first part of this verse in its entirety it motivates to meet up and have fellowship but here it goes further in giving us deeper instruction of how to do it and why. It says that we need each other!
Christianity - and even humanity in itself was never created to be lonely or alone.
In fact God in the very beginning said: "Now the LORD God said, “It is not good (beneficial) for the man to be alone; I will make him a helper [one who balances him—a counterpart who is] suitable and complementary for him.” Genesis 2:18
Always Trisha
13 September 2020
I must have been not even a young teenager when I experienced racism.
I am white and my roots are in Sicily south Italy.
I remember that day I was in the tram and the windows were damped because it was raining. There was a very young boy in front of me about 2 meters away from me.
I caught him starring at me. I looked back at him. He looked straight into my eyes and then started drawing the Nazi swastika on the window next to him. And he look at me with disgusted look on his face while he was still fixing me.
Over 30 years later I still remember that encounter vividly. I can only imagine what people of another skin complexion go through and the horrible memories they might have.
I believe to solve the issue of racism, we need to keep the conversation going. Based on mutual love and respect.
If you refuse to keep the conversation flowing, you are not helping to let the progress that leads to the solution flow.
It’s not a humble attitude to refuse to talk about it, no matter what your skin complexion is. Peace out people.
One race: HUMAN RACE.
Always Trisha
24 August 2020
Solo travel
I am sitting in one of my fav Cafés to chill and enjoy my holiday.
Due to the pandemic unfortunately I don't feel comfortable yet to leave the UK to travel.
I just did one day trip to Bristol and it was so boring. I just realised that my season of Solo-travel is just over. I have been doing this for many years and I am just over it. I have been single most of my life, so solo travel was the easiest and most comfortable way of travel and having a holiday.
I think I have learned quite a lot in these years of travelling on my own.
- I am independent and capable to go to any place if I want to
- I enjoy my own company and I really need my me time and a lot of it
- I am definitely a very social person and love company of inspiring and positive people but I do not depend on them when it comes to my contentment
- There are so many places I still have to and want to visit but I want to do it with friends or fam
- The earth is so beautiful and worth travelling
- I have met lovely and also challenging people while travelling on my own
- I have learned that loneliness is not a disease nor is singleness its just a status and phase of life
- I have grown and learned a lot through the years
- It's ok not to be ok
- Perfectionism is a prison but Excellency is a healthy goal
- Routines and structures are good and necessary for my mental health
- I need to take care of my body, soul and spirit more every day and not neglect it
I want to be an inspiration to as many people as possible and travel the world by sharing what I have learned and hold speeches to large crowds and also share my art in music, writing, songs, and drawings and poems. My goal is to be able to do this full time. And because it's a huge passion it won't be work anymore.
I love Art.
Pow ! In your face right? I know, I know darling, relax I am not here to attack or to accuse you of anything but to remind you that...
Is God really faithful? I wonder if you have asked yourself this question or have had any doubts around this thought and fact. I gave my...