8 September 2019


A German saying: “Trust is good, Control is better.” 
I grew up with this saying and I must admit it must have been quite ingrained inside of my brain.
Many times in my life in different situations I found myself to rehearse this phrase in my head over and over again. “Trish you cannot trust people - don’t open up and don’t be vulnerable!” Now after years and years of walking the walk of faith - hand in hand with my Lord Jesus I have the privilege to say that I am no longer trapped in that lie! 
And let me tell you, there is hope darling for you as well. I know the Bible says that we are supposed to trust God and not man (human beings) but let me challenge you to learn how to trust God and people in a healthy way. In order for you to genuinely love someone else - you have to be able to trust them and open up and be authentic and vulnerable.
You have to be willing to be vulnerable and trust God in the process.
Once you decide to walk into vulnerability and start to connect with people on your path that God has hand picked for you to develop and grow - you will see how beautiful you will become.
I am not the person I used to be. Today after a long journey of healing and restoration from the inside out - I have seen myself transform like a cocoon that becomes a stunning butterfly. Today I can look into the mirror and I see myself through Gods eyes and mine and I see a beautiful and radiant woman.
A woman that was deeply hurt and broken but had an encounter with the living God. The creator of heaven and earth and the great physician that is willing and more than happy to go into the hidden stuff and heal your very core of who you have become due to life and circumstances.
We all seem too long for perfection and being perfect. Let me tell you where this is coming from. God says that we were created in his image right? Yep. This is why its incorporated in us the desire to be perfect because once we were and we are meant to be still but in this life we will never be darling. But we are on our way of perfection. Thats what the Bible speaks about when it says “sanctification”. You are a new creation in Christ in your spirit when you receive Jesus as Saviour but your soul is in an ongoing process and development. That is also the daily fight inside of us when we want to do the right thing but choose to do the wrong. Even Apostle Paul was sharing about this inner fight. But he also says in the same chapter that there is hope! In Christ our saviour.
There are many songs and movies and a huge movement of self love and acceptance at the moment across the globe and this is wonderful. But allow me to add to this that I don’t agree with all of it.
One song called “Issues” Julia Michaels:
"'Cause you don't judge me
'Cause if you did, baby, I would judge you too
No, you don't judge me
'Cause you see it from same point of view
'Cause I got issues
But you got 'em too
So give 'em all to me
And I'll give mine to you
Bask in the glory
Of all our problems
'Cause we got the kind of love
It takes to solve ‘em.

Without Jesus there will be no healing.

Another song called “Broken” says: “I am broken and its beautiful…” no its not beautiful to be broken at all - you should love and accept yourself as you are but also be willing to heal and be a blessing to society.

I like this song but let me add here without Jesus it is impossible to truly heal and move on and grow.

Always Trisha 

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